Transferring Calls

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Transferring Calls

  • While on a live call press the Transfer soft key.
  • The caller will be placed in a holding pattern and begin hearing the hold music.
  • Dial the four-digit extension you want to send the call to. (Note: A call can also be transferred to a 10 digit external number if sending to a cell or home number.)
  • If you want to talk to the person receiving the transfer, wait for them to pick up and explain that you will be transferring a call.
  • Press the Transfer soft key again to complete the transfer.
  • If the receiving party does not want to accept the call, press the soft End Call key and then the Resume soft key to retrieve the call.

Blind Transfer

  • While on a live call press the Transfer key.
  • The caller will be placed in a holding pattern and begin hearing the hold music.
  • Dial the four-digit extension you want to send the call to. (Note: A call can also be transferred to a 10 digit external number if sending to a cell or home number.)
  • Press the B Transfer soft key to send the call directly to the other extension or number.
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