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Short-term Telework Technology Request
The telework employee and their supervisor shall determine the minimum required technology equipment and software necessary for the employee to execute their job duties from a remote location. Any equipment provided by the University must be requested in the “Short-term Telework Technology Request Form” linked below. All equipment approved for short-term telework must be properly inventoried prior to being taken from campus. The employee is required to return any University property upon request. In addition, the employee should never purchase or rent technology equipment, services, or supplies on the assumption that the University will reimburse the cost.
Required software will be provided by the University for installation on University-owned computers. Please note, in some instances the software publisher’s licensing terms may limit the University’s ability to install software on computers used off-site. These issues will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. The employee will not perform maintenance or repairs on University-owned equipment without prior approval. The maintenance and repair of employee-owned equipment will remain the responsibility of the employee.
The University’s IT staff will ensure that University-owned technology equipment and software are working properly. In the event that an issue is unable to be resolved remotely, it will be the employee’s responsibility to return the University-owned equipment to campus for troubleshooting and repair. University IT staff will not be dispatched to work on University-owned technology equipment at the employee’s remote location. It is the employee’s responsibility to setup, connect, and configure assigned University equipment at their remote location. Only University-owned software may be installed on University-owned equipment. The employee may not install or download any other software without approval.
The employee is responsible for establishing a remote teleworking environment that maintains the security and confidentiality of university and student information. The University will not be responsible for providing any data or utility services required to work remotely (i.e. internet, electrical, phone, etc.).
Click here to complete the Short-term Telework Technology Request Form